Article Subject Africa
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Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation • Wildlife Forensics • Wildlife Trade • Poaching • Ivory Trade • Rangers • Asian Medicine • Illegal Logging • Rainforests • Palm Oil • Citizen Activism • Other • Elephants • Rhinos • Pangolins • Lions • Tigers • Jaguars • Bears • Polar Bears • Orangutans • Birds • Marine Species • Amphibians • Reptiles • Insects • Africa • Asia • Latin America • Full List by Subject
Articles on Africa
- National Geographic: Hundreds of elephants mysteriously died. We may finally know why
- National Geographic: Canadian oil company pauses controversial drilling in Namibian wilderness
- National Geographic: They ripped through a protected wilderness to find oil. Instead, they found trouble
- Mongabay – Snares: Low-tech, low-profile killers of rare wildlife the world over
- National Geographic: Canadian Oil Company Illegally Bulldozes Protected Land in Africa
- National Geographic: Oil Company Accused of Drilling in African Wildlife Reserve, Offering Jobs for Silence
- National Geographic: Members of Congress urge investigation into Okavango oil exploration
- National Geographic: Oil exploration company in Okavango wilderness misled investors, complaint to SEC says
- National Geographic: Oil company exploring in sensitive elephant habitat accused of ignoring community concerns
- National Geographic: Test drilling for oil in Namibia’s Okavango region poses toxic risk
- National Geographic: Test drilling for oil and gas begins in Namibia’s Okavango region
- National Geographic: Oil Drilling, Possible Fracking Planned for Okavango Region—Elephants’ Last Stronghold
- National Geographic: This ‘Rhino Court’ Had 100 Percent Poacher Convictions. Why Was it Closed?
- New Yorker: Bill McKibben column: Annals of a Warming Planet: Our Best Chance to Slow Global Warming Comes in the Next Nine Years
- Muse Magazine: Advocates for Elephants – Kids on Different Continents are Working to Protect Pachyderms
- National Geographic: New Alarm System May Stop Poachers In Their Tracks
- National Geographic: Why Has This Rhino Poaching Trial Been Delayed 17 Times?
- The Revelator: Living on the Edge with Lions – Shivani Bhalla
- National Geographic: Poachers Target Rescued Circus Lions in Worrying New Trend
- The Revelator: Elephant Ambassador in Chad: A Conversation with Stephanie Vergniault
- National Geographic: Justice for Rhinos–When Will it Come?
- National Geographic: Elephant Killings in Chad’s Signature Park Cause Alarm
- National Geographic: Two Nations Show Good News, Bad News for Africa’s Elephants
- National Geographic: Speaking up for Elephants: Reflections on Vermont’s Ivory Sales Ban Hearing
- National Geographic: Citizens Spur States to Ban Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn
- National Geographic: Ethiopia Burns Entire 6.1-Ton Ivory Stockpile
- National Geographic: Will Mobilization of Military Forces Stop Elephant Poaching in Cameroon
- National Geographic: U.S. Indictment Accuses South African Brothers of Trafficking Rhino Horns
- National Geographic: For Rangers on the Front Lines of Anti-Poaching Wars, Daily Trauma
- National Geographic: In Hong Kong, Kids Take Action to Stop the Illegal Ivory Trade
- National Geographic: Elephant Foster Mom: A Conversation with Daphne Sheldrick
- National Geographic: Al Shabaab and the Human Toll of the Illegal Ivory Trade
- National Geographic: A Powerful Weapon Against Ivory Smugglers: DNA Testing
- National Geographic: Chaos and Confusion Following Elephant Poaching in a Central African World Heritage Site
- Filming of Mad Max sequel wreaks havoc on Namibia’s desert ecosystem
- National Geographic: New Promises Follow Elephant Slaughter in Chad and Cameroon
- National Geographic: A Young Voice for Elephants: Celia Ho
- National Geographic: Poachers Capitalize on Chaos in Central Africa
- National Geographic: Elephants in Cameroon and Chad face Imminent Threat
- National Geographic: Elephant Poachers Caught in Chad, Protection Efforts Stepped Up
- Animal Planet: Rescued Elephant Orphan Adopted by New Herd
- Sumatran rhinos survive in northern Sumatra
- Elephant slaughter continues in Chad, another baby rescued
- President of Chad sends troops after elephant poachers
- Dozens of Elephants Massacred in Chad
- Frogs and friends at risk from booming global wildlife trade